Introduction Hi there, let me introduce you to CannibOil and how it came about.Back in 2017 I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. There is a phrase I like, `prevention is better than cure.‘ so I started using CBD oil in the hope that it would prevent the tumor from returning.I was then very surprised how…
Here at Canniboil, we strive and aspire to meet and satisfy our customers needs and priorities.To achieve this we are constantly doing surveys, and listening to our customers feedback and concerns.When we first started out many moons ago, one of the primary concerns of our customers was, the taste of the cbd oil. So immediately…
The awareness of mental health over the past decade, has come on leaps and bounds. With the added pressures of everyday life, people are finding it more difficult to cope, consequently causing many of us to be troubled by mental health conditions. Conditions such as, anxiety, anger, eating disorders, psychosis, bipolar, schizophrenia and many…